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The Not So Silent Assassin Lost Ark Reddit Achievement

January 13, 2025

January 13, 2025

4 minutes

The not so silent assassin Lost Ark reddit is one of the game’s most exciting and unique challenges. It requires a combination of stealth, precision, and a keen understanding of your surroundings. Unlike many other achievements that are focused on brute strength or speed. This one tests your ability to move undetected through an Abyssal Dungeon and defeat a formidable boss without alerting the guards around you. 

While the task may seem daunting at first, with the right strategy and a little practice, you’ll be able to unlock this achievement and showcase your mastery of stealth. In this Lost Ark Reddit assassin guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to unlock and complete the not so silent assassin Lost Ark reddit, offering you detailed tips and strategies to succeed.

Not So Silent Assassin Lost Ark Reddit

In order to even begin working toward the not so silent assassin Lost Ark reddit, you need to meet a few requirements. The most important of these is reaching Item Level 1415, which is a significant milestone in Lost Ark progression. This item level requirement ensures that only players who have reached a certain point in the game are eligible to attempt this challenge, as the content is designed to be difficult.

Completing the Achievement: The Challenge of Stealth

First you need to know that the core objective of the not so silent assassin Lost Ark reddit achievement is to defeat Deskaluda without alerting any of the guards in the dungeon. In order to achieve this, you need to complete the dungeon in a way that prevents enemies from noticing you. The challenge isn’t just about defeating Deskaluda, but also about navigating through the dungeon’s complex layout while staying undetected.

The dungeon is filled with patrolling guards who have a defined line of sight and hearing. These guards can alert their allies if they see or hear you, which will make the dungeon much more difficult to complete. As a result, it’s critical to learn the layout, timing, and patrol patterns of the guards. This is where the challenge lies—each misstep could lead to failure, so mastering your stealth is key.

Key Tips for Successfully Completing the Achievement

While the concept of stealth in Lost Ark might seem daunting, there are several tactics you can use to make the process easier. Below are some essential tips that will help you successfully complete the “Not So Silent Assassin” achievement.

Stealth is Key

The first and most important tip is to move slowly and carefully through the dungeon. You need to avoid the guards’ detection zones, which are highlighted by vision cones. These cones represent the areas in which the guards can see, so it’s vital to be aware of your surroundings at all times. Move carefully around obstacles and use the environment to break line of sight when possible.

Use Back Attacks for Increased Damage

One of the best ways to take out guards quietly is by using back attacks. Many classes in Lost Ark have skills that deal bonus damage when used on an enemy’s back. These attacks are especially useful for quickly and efficiently eliminating guards without drawing attention. 

Time Your Attacks Carefully

Timing is one of the most crucial aspects of the “Not So Silent Assassin” achievement. You will need to wait for the perfect moment to strike when a guard’s line of sight is broken or when they are distracted by another object or enemy. Rushing your attacks will only lead to failure, so patience is key.

Utilize Stealth Skills

If your class has stealth abilities—such as invisibility skills or the ability to briefly disappear from sight—be sure to use them. These skills can be invaluable for bypassing difficult areas or getting past groups of guards without being seen. Even if you don’t have invisibility skills. There are often other abilities that allow you to move through areas undetected for short periods of time.

Practice Makes Perfect

As with any challenging achievement in Lost Ark, practice is essential. Don’t be discouraged if you fail multiple times. Getting the timing and positioning right takes practice, and it’s normal to make mistakes while you learn the patrol routes and detection zones of the guards. Each failure is an opportunity to improve your strategy and refine your approach.

Bring the Right Gear and Consumables

Before embarking on your attempt, make sure you’re well-equipped with the right gear and consumables. Even though the primary focus of the achievement is stealth, you’ll still need to deal with the final boss, Deskaluda, who can be challenging even after you’ve successfully avoided detection. 

    Lost Ark Reddit assassin guide

    Finally, the “Not So Silent Assassin” achievement in Lost Ark is a rewarding challenge that tests your patience, stealth, and precision. By following the assassin build tips above—moving cautiously, timing your attacks, using stealth skills, and practicing your route through the dungeon. You can successfully complete the achievement and add it to your collection. While it may take some time to perfect your strategy, the satisfaction of completing this stealthy not so silent assassin Lost Ark reddit challenge and taking down Deskaluda without alerting a single guard will make it all worth it.

    About The Author

    Leandro Sandmann, graduated in Computer Science from FEI, is the co-founder of ExitLag, a company created to improve stability and internet connections for online games. He has been sharing his knowledge about games and technology through various channels, contributing to the Blog's articles.

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