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How to Harvest Honeycomb in Minecraft: A Complete Guide to craft

December 23, 2024

December 23, 2024

3 minutes

Minecraft is buzzing with possibilities. And we’re not just talking about the creepers. 

With the introduction of bees and beehives, a whole new world of crafting and resource gathering has opened up, so you need to learn how to get honeycomb in Minecraft.

This guide will show you exactly how to get honeycomb in Minecraft, a valuable resource used in crafting various items. So grab your shears and let’s get started.

How to Harvest Honeycomb in Minecraft: A Complete Guide to craft

Also, get to know our guide to get rid of lag while playing Minecraft

What is the beehive Minecraft?

Before we teach you how to get honeycomb in Minecraft, you got know that beehives are naturally generated structures that house bees. They can be found in various biomes, including plains, forests, and flower forests. 

These beehive Minecraft are your key to obtaining honeycomb, but approaching them requires a delicate touch to avoid angering the bees.

How to get honeycomb in Minecraft

Finding bees and beehives is the first step. Bees are usually found buzzing around their hives or flower patches. 

Once you’ve located a beehive, you’ll notice it slowly fills with honey. When the hive is full, it will drip honey, indicating it’s ready for harvest.

Finding bees and beehives

Bees tend to spawn in areas with plenty of flowers. Keep an eye out for them while exploring these biomes. If you’re having trouble locating beehives naturally, you can also learn how to craft your own and attract wild bees to them.

Minecraft bee guide to get wax

Honeycomb isn’t just for show; it’s used to craft beeswax, a valuable resource with various applications. Beeswax can be used to waterproof items, craft candles, and even create decorative blocks.

Even so, with our Minecraft bee guide you will get the honeycomb with total safety.

How to get honeycomb in Minecraft safely

Approaching a beehive without proper precautions will agitate the bees, causing them to attack. To avoid getting stung, you’ll need to use a campfire.

Using a campfire to safely collect honeycomb

Place a campfire directly below the beehive. The smoke from the campfire will calm the bees, allowing you to safely harvest the honeycomb using shears.

Crafts you can do with honeycomb

Honeycomb is a versatile crafting ingredient. You can use it to craft:

  • Honeycomb blocks: Decorative blocks with a unique honeycomb pattern.
  • Candles: A light source with varying levels of brightness depending on how many candles are placed together.
  • Waxed copper: Prevent copper blocks from oxidizing and changing color.

Crafting with honeycomb

To craft these items, you’ll need a crafting table and the necessary ingredients. Experiment with different combinations to discover all the possibilities. You can also check out our guide on creative uses for honeycomb for inspiration.

See also: Sandbox: What are Sandbox Games?

Community tips for wax crafting

The Minecraft community has developed some ingenious uses for beeswax. Here are a few tips:

  • Waterproof your builds: Use waxed copper to create waterproof roofs and structures.
  • Create custom candle designs: Combine different colored dyes with candles for unique lighting effects.
  • Preserve your tools: Waxed copper tools are more durable and last longer.

ExitLag: more crafting, less lag

Now that you know how to get honeycomb in Minecraft, you can focus on expanding your crafting repertoire. 

But what about those pesky lag spikes that interrupt your creative flow? ExitLag optimizes your connection, reducing lag and ensuring a seamless gaming experience.

In the end, after learn how to get honeycomb in Minecraft, with ExitLag, you can craft, explore, and build without interruption. Download ExitLag today and experience the difference.

About The Author

Leandro Sandmann, graduated in Computer Science from FEI, is the co-founder of ExitLag, a company created to improve stability and internet connections for online games. He has been sharing his knowledge about games and technology through various channels, contributing to the Blog's articles.

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