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How to Tame and Ride Horses in Minecraft to gallop your way in brick world

January 8, 2025

January 8, 2025

3 minutes

Minecraft, in its infinite sandbox world, offers a variety of activities, and one of the most exciting is learning how to tame a horse in Minecraft and riding those tamed animals. 

Whether you’re exploring new terrain, building elaborate structures, or simply enjoying the scenery, know how to tame a horse in Minecraft can leave you with trusty steeds. 

How to Tame a Horse in Minecraft

This guide will walk you through the process of how to tame a horse in Minecraft, finding and riding them in the game, turning you into a skilled equestrian in no time. Ready to saddle up? Let’s dive in.

Beforehand, we have a content for you to know how to fix lag in Minecraft to improve your connection.

Where to find Horses in Minecraft

Before you can learn how to tame a horse in Minecraft, you need to find one. Horses spawn naturally in plains and savanna biomes, usually in herds of two to six. 

Also, they come in various colors and patterns, adding to the diversity of your Minecraft world. Keep an eye out for these majestic creatures while exploring these biomes. 

Finally, don’t forget, you might also find donkeys and mules, which can also be tamed and used for riding. 

How to tame a horse in Minecraft easily

Taming a horse in Minecraft is a relatively straightforward process, but it requires a bit of patience.

  1. Approach the horse empty-handed: Don’t hold any items when you first interact with the horse.
  2. Mount the horse: Right-click on the horse to mount it. It will likely buck you off initially, but don’t give up.
  3. Repeat the process: Keep mounting the horse until hearts appear around it. This indicates that the horse is becoming comfortable with you.
  4. Feed the horse: You can speed up the taming process by feeding the horse apples, golden apples, wheat, or sugar.
  5. Equip a saddle: Once tamed, you’ll need a saddle to control the horse.

Tips to riding horses Minecraft

Now that you have a tamed horse, it’s time to explore riding horses Minecraft mechanics:

  • Controlling your horse: Use the standard movement keys (W, A, S, D) to guide your horse.
  • Jumping: Press the space bar to make your horse jump. The longer you hold the space bar, the higher the jump.
  • Speed: Horses have varying speeds and jump heights. You might need to tame a few to find the perfect steed.
  • Horse armor: Protect your horse by equipping it with horse armor, found in dungeons, Nether fortresses, and strongholds.

How to put a saddle on a horse in Minecraft?

To put a saddle on a horse, approach the tamed horse and right-click on it to open its inventory. 

Then, place the saddle in the designated slot. 

Additionally, saddles can be found in chests in dungeons, villages, and Nether fortresses. You can also sometimes obtain them by fishing.

Keep reading: Open World Games: What are they?

Community tips for taming animals in Minecraft

Our ExitLag community has shared some awesome tips for taming animals in Minecraft. One player suggests creating a small enclosed area to keep the horse contained while taming. 

In the meantime, this prevents it from wandering off and makes the process easier. 

Another player recommends using golden apples for faster taming, especially for stubborn horses. Have a great tip? Share it with us in the comments.

ExitLag: ride a good wave with our connection boost

Taming and riding horses in Minecraft is a rewarding experience, allowing you to traverse the world with speed and style. 

But what if lag and latency are hindering your gameplay? That’s where ExitLag comes in. Our software optimizes your connection, reducing lag and providing a smoother gaming experience. 

With ExitLag, you can say goodbye to frustrating lag spikes and enjoy seamless gameplay while exploring the world on your trusty steed. How to tame a horse in Minecraft and enjoy a lag-free ride? It’s simple: try ExitLag today and experience the difference.

About The Author

Leandro Sandmann, graduated in Computer Science from FEI, is the co-founder of ExitLag, a company created to improve stability and internet connections for online games. He has been sharing his knowledge about games and technology through various channels, contributing to the Blog's articles.

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