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Throne And Liberty Classes Tier List: Best Weapons

Throne & Liberty is set to revolutionize traditional gaming with its innovative class system. Unlike conventional MMOs where players choose a predefined class, Throne & Liberty offers unparalleled freedom.

Players are not limited to a single class or role; instead, they have the liberty to select any two weapons of their choice. These chosen weapons unlock a diverse range of abilities, providing a unique and customizable playstyle.

This guide delves deep into the six core weapon archetypes, revealing their secrets, strengths, and strategic possibilities.

Tier List for Throne and Liberty: Best Classes Types (Weapon) 

Check out the list of weapons (classes) in Throne and Liberty:

  • Greatsword (A Tier)
  • Dagger (A+ Tier)
  • Wand (B Tier)
  • Staff (C Tier)
  • Sword and Shield (D Tier)
  • Crossbow (S Tier)
  • Longbow (S Tier)
Throne and Liberty Classes and all Weapons tier list

Throne and Liberty: A Breakdown of Classes (Weapons)

“Throne and Liberty” is an expansive MMORPG that offers players a variety of classes and weapon types, each with unique strengths and strategic roles. 

Below is a detailed description of the different types of weapons and their corresponding classes:



The Crossbow is classified as an S-Tier weapon due to its high precision and critical damage output. 

It allows Sharpshooters to deliver accurate, powerful shots from a distance, making it an ideal choice for players who excel at long-range combat. 

The Crossbow’s slower reload time is a minor drawback, but its ability to deal devastating damage with each shot more than compensates for this. 

Its precision makes it particularly effective in PvP scenarios where landing critical hits can turn the tide of battle.


Similarly, the Longbow earns its S-Tier status by providing excellent range and high critical hit potential. Rangers using the Longbow can maintain a safe distance from their targets while continuously dealing damage. 

This weapon is particularly effective in large-scale PvE and PvP environments where maintaining distance and controlling the battlefield are crucial. 

The Longbow’s effectiveness is enhanced by the Ranger’s mobility, allowing for strategic positioning and sustained damage output.

A+ Tier


The Dagger is classified as A+ Tier due to its exceptional attack speed and burst damage capabilities. Assassins who wield Daggers can execute quick, lethal attacks that can incapacitate enemies before they have a chance to react. 

This weapon’s strength lies in its ability to deliver rapid, consecutive strikes, making it ideal for close-quarters combat. 

However, the trade-off is lower defensive capabilities, requiring players to rely on agility and evasive maneuvers to avoid taking damage.



The Greatsword is placed in the A-Tier for its high damage output and effectiveness in close combat. Berserkers wielding Greatswords can deliver powerful, sweeping attacks that can hit multiple enemies at once. 

This weapon excels in situations where brute force is necessary to overpower opponents. The main drawback of the Greatsword is its slower attack speed, which requires players to carefully time their strikes to maximize damage and avoid leaving themselves vulnerable.



The Wand is categorized as B-Tier, offering moderate magical damage and versatility. 

Used primarily by classes like the Sorcerer, the Wand allows for quick casting of spells and is effective for both offense and utility purposes. Its relatively fast casting speed makes it a reliable choice for maintaining pressure on enemies while still having the flexibility to support allies. 

However, it lacks the raw damage output of higher-tier magical weapons, limiting its effectiveness in purely offensive roles.



The Staff falls into the C-Tier category due to its lower overall damage output compared to other magical weapons. 

While it provides decent versatility and the ability to cast a variety of spells, its slower casting speed and reduced damage make it less effective in high-intensity combat situations. 

Sorcerers using the Staff need to rely more on strategic positioning and crowd control abilities to make up for its deficiencies in raw damage.


Sword and Shield

The Sword and Shield are classified as D-Tier primarily due to their balanced but underwhelming performance in both offense and defense. 

While this combination provides solid defensive capabilities, allowing Paladins to absorb damage and protect allies, it falls short in terms of damage output. 

This makes it less effective in situations where high damage is required to quickly eliminate threats. Players using Sword and Shield need to focus on playing a supportive role, relying on their defensive strengths rather than offensive prowess.

The Arcane Symphony With Sorcerer’s Magic

Solistia trembles beneath the potent spells of the Sorcerer.

Masters of elemental forces, these formidable casters can rain down fiery infernos, encase foes in glacial prisons, or electrocute them with crackling bolts of lightning.

Two distinct paths define their sorcerous journey.

  • Staff Mastery: Embody raw destructive power.
    • Unleash scorching meteor showers with Meteor Strike, freeze entire groups with Glacial Imprisonment, or chain lightning through enemies with Arc Lash.
    • Staff Sorcerers excel in PvE, decimating dungeons and clearing battlefields with unparalleled AoE dominance.
  • Wand & Tome Finesse: Become a maestro of control and mobility.
    • Teleport behind enemies with Blink, bind them with Entangling Roots, and pepper them with Arcane Missiles from afar.
    • Wand & Tome Sorcerers offer superior PvP potential, disrupting formations, dodging attacks with teleports, and securing kills with calculated bursts of damage.

Unerring Precision Of The Archer

Unerring Precision Of The Archer

No sanctuary exists beyond the sights of the Archer.

From atop battlements or shrouded in foliage, these masters of ranged combat rain down a constant hail of arrows with pinpoint accuracy.

Their two distinct skillsets cater to varied playstyles:

  • Longbow Marksmanship: Unleash a relentless hail of arrows with Piercing Shot.
    • Cripple foes with Arrow of Hamstring, and pin them down with Rain of Arrows.
    • Longbow Archers are devastating DPS machines, dominating PvE encounters with sustained damage and excellent AoE options.
  • Crossbow Ambush: Master the art of the one-shot kill.
    • Punish unwary foes with Snipe, lay traps with Explosive Bolts, and scatter unsuspecting groups with Cluster Shot.
    • Crossbow Archers excel in PvP, utilizing tactical positioning, burst damage, and crowd control to eliminate high-priority targets.

The Brawler’s Dance Of Steel

Throne And Liberty Classes Tier List: Best Weapons

For those who crave the thrill of close-quarters combat, the Brawler offers a symphony of pain and destruction.

These whirlwind warriors thrive in the heat of battle, crushing bones with devastating blows and dodging attacks with acrobatic grace.

Their two paths unleash distinct forms of melee mastery:

  • Two-Handed Onslaught: Become an unstoppable juggernaut.
    • Cleave through enemies with Whirlwind Slash, stun them with Ground Slam, and unleash fury with Earthquake.
    • Two-handed brawlers dominate PvE, tanking massive damage while dealing out equally staggering punishment.
  • Dual Wield Finesse: Dance through battle like a storm.
    • Chain lightning-fast attacks with Flurry of Strikes, disarm opponents with Riposte, and vanish from sight with Shadow Step.
    • Dual Wield Brawlers excel in PvP, utilizing mobility, precise strikes, and defensive reflexes to outmaneuver and counter opponents.

The Art Of The Assassin

Fear stalks the battlefield when the Assassin draws a blade.

Cloaked in darkness, these masters of stealth strike from unseen angles, delivering crippling blows before melting back into the shadows.

Their two skillsets cater to distinct forms of lethal artistry:

  • Dual Wield Ambush: Become a blur of death.
    • Vanish from sight with Shadow Cloak, unleash a flurry of dagger strikes with Tempest Rush, and finish off targets with Razor Swipe.
    • Dual Wield Assassins excel in PvP, utilizing stealth, rapid attacks, and critical hits to eliminate unsuspecting foes.
  • Bow Sharpshooter: Master the art of the silent kill.
    • Cripple enemies from afar with Venomous Arrow, rain down arrows with Arrow Storm, and finish them off with Marked Execution.
    • Bow Assassins excel in PvE and ranged PvP, utilizing precise aim, tactical positioning, and potent debuffs to control the battlefield from afar.

The Tank’s Wall Of Defiance

Tank Throne and Liberty

When the tide of battle threatens to break, the Tank stands firm, an unyielding bulwark against the onslaught.

These immovable objects draw enemy fire, deflect attacks with unwavering resolve, and control the flow of combat with strategic positioning.

Their two paths offer distinct forms of frontline leadership:

  • Sword & Shield Guardian: Become an anchor of stability.
    • Taunt enemies with War Cry, shield bash them with Iron Wall, and cleave through groups with Shield Breaker.
    • Sword & Shield Tanks excel in PvE, holding aggro against bosses and protecting allies from harm.
  • Two-Handed Aggressor: Lead the charge with indomitable ferocity.
    • Smash enemies with Thunder Clap, cleave through waves with Blade Storm, and control the battlefield with Warpath.
    • Two-Handed Tanks excel in PvP, disrupting formations, drawing enemy focus, and creating opportunities for allies to strike.

See more:

The Healer’s Guiding Light

Healer Throne and Liberty

In the wake of destruction, the Healer shines, mending wounds and ensuring the survival of their allies.

These champions of life weave magic to restore health, bolster defenses, and turn the tide of battle in favor of their comrades.

Their two paths offer distinct forms of restorative power:

  • Wand & Spellbook Benevolence: Become a wellspring of direct healing.
    • Channel potent energy with Divine Light, shield allies with Guardian Field, and revive fallen comrades with Resurrection.
    • Wand & Spellbook Healers excel in PvE, keeping frontline fighters alive during intense boss battles and large-scale encounters.
  • Magic Staff Radiance: Master the art of AoE healing and offensive support.
    • Rain down restorative rain with Healing Rain, cleanse debuffs with Purify, and empower allies with Arcane Aura.
    • Magic Staff Healers excel in PvP, providing sustained healing to multiple allies while dishing out respectable damage and control spells to aid their offensive efforts.

Beyond the Weapon: Mastering Your Path

Guide all throne and libery classes games

This guide merely scratches the surface of the depths and possibilities offered by Throne and Liberty’s dynamic class system.

The true mastery lies in your hands, in your strategic mind, and in your relentless pursuit of perfection.

So, take up your weapon, embrace the battlefield, and forge your own legend in the vibrant realm of Solistia!

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