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Diablo 4’s Leaked And Confirmed Features

May 17, 2023

August 14, 2024

4 minutes

After 10 years of waiting, many fans were left wondering what changes Diablo 4 would bring to the table, especially since its previous title left many players dissatisfied and wanting more.

Here’s all previously leaked or confirmed features that should make or break the newest game in the franchise.

Everything about Diablo IV

Diablo 4 Will Feature Seasonal Content

Just like in previous titles, Diablo 4 will have a new season every three months or so, always bringing more content, balance changes and additional cosmetics.

Players that choose to participate will need to make new characters in the seasonal realm so that everyone has a fresh and clean start.

Blizzard has already confirmed that, unlike in previous entries, seasons will alter the game quite significantly, allowing for brand new gameplay possibilities.

This is something similar to what Path of Exile has been doing with its leagues for a while, but according to the developers, new questlines will be implemented so that players feel guided accordingly.

Cosmetics in Diablo IV

The Cash Shop

As is the tradition with many other live-service games, Diablo 4 will feature a rotational store that will cycle through different costumes and other additional products.

There’s even a free and premium version of the Battle Pass, where players will collect items that should aid them in their journey.

Blizzard has also made it very clear that the paid version of the pass will contain only cosmetics, while other enhancements and boosts will be attached to the free variant.

It’s also important to note that there’s no power to be acquired from any tier, all items obtained exist to simply speed up the leveling process or engage the player into whatever events the current season is going for.

Creating character Diablo IV

Skipping The Story

Once completing the story for the first time, players will have the option to skip it entirely on brand new characters. Since demons and zones scale directly to you, gamers are free to pick and choose where they want to level up without any restrictions.

This system should work similarly to Diablo 3 and its Adventure Mode, serving as the perfect gateway  for seasons and giving them free reign of how they want their experience to be.

itens in Diablo IV

Returning Items

After the previous open beta, players quickly discovered through data mining that various pieces of gear from Diablo 2 would be returning to the series, along their previous rarity.

Unique Equipments such as the popular Shako or the fan favorite Buriza-do-Kyanon were already found among the game’s files and should keep longtime fans excited.

Although these pieces of gear will still serve the general purpose they once held, their stats have been significantly altered, becoming a lot stronger in the process.

While still keeping the popular ‘’+points to skills’’, Shako now grants cooldown and resource generation, allowing for an even more aggressive playstyle.

Diablo IV Difficulty

Difficulty Options

Another system that leaked (and later on confirmed), was the inclusion of multiple difficulty options. Unlike some games in the series, Diablo 4 will allow players to upgrade or lower the level of challenge in their gaming sessions.

The way this feature has been handled though, is that instead of having over 10 difficulty options, gamers will select between Adventure and Veteran difficulties for the leveling journey, and eventually unlocking Nightmare and Torment after completing certain tasks.

It should be noted that some of the most valuable pieces of gear will be gated to the hardest modes.

Diablo’s Dark Secrets

With less than a month until its launch, Blizzard is trying its hardest to keep everything under the wraps.

While we still have one last open beta left with the Server Slam event, it should be safe to say this is all we’ll discover prior to the June 6th launch, hopefully the information above will be enough to kill the curiosity of Diablo fans eager to play the game.

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About The Author

Leandro Sandmann, graduated in Computer Science from FEI, is the co-founder of ExitLag, a company created to improve stability and internet connections for online games. He has been sharing his knowledge about games and technology through various channels, contributing to the Blog's articles.

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