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How to Teleport in Minecraft: Commands and Ender Pearls Explained

January 8, 2025

January 8, 2025

4 minutes

In fact, Teleportation is one of the most useful features in Minecraft, offering players the ability to cover vast distances quickly, reach important landmarks, or escape dangerous situations by learning how to teleport in Minecraft. Each has its own set of advantages and specific use cases, so it’s important to understand how and when to use each method.

In Minecraft, getting to know how to teleport in Minecraft is a valuable tool for quick travel and exploration, and it can be accomplished through two primary methods: commands and Ender Pearls. Teleportation commands allow players to teleport to specific coordinates or other players’ locations, with the /tp command being the most common way to execute this. 

How to Teleport in Minecraft

If you are a singleplayer, the answer to how to teleport in Minecraft is by using the format /tp @p x y z for coordinates, or /tp @p [player name] to go to another player. In multiplayer, the command expands to /tp [player name] x y z or /tp [player name] @p to teleport others to specific locations or players. 

Finally, for Ender Pearls, these throwable items allow you to teleport a short distance by aiming and throwing the pearl, which lands and teleports you to that spot. Ender Pearls are obtained by killing Endermen or trading with Piglins, and while they are practical for quick escapes, they come with the risk of fall damage or landing in dangerous spots. 

Using Teleportation Commands

One of the most versatile ways on how to teleport in Minecraft is through the use of teleportation commands. These commands allow players to instantly travel to specific coordinates or to another player’s location. Teleportation commands are available to both singleplayer and multiplayer worlds, but they require cheats to be enabled in your world settings.

For Single Player

To use teleportation commands in single player, follow these steps:

  1. Enable Cheats: Before you can use any commands, you must ensure that cheats are enabled in your world settings. If you’re starting a new world, simply toggle the “Allow Cheats” option to “On” during world creation. If you’re playing in an existing world, you can enable cheats via the “Open to LAN” option in the game’s pause menu and toggle the “Allow Cheats” setting there.
  2. Teleport to Specific Coordinates: Once cheats are enabled, you can teleport to specific coordinates by using the /tp command. The format is:
    /tp @p [x] [y] [z]
    • Replace [x], [y], and [z] with the coordinates you wish to teleport to. For example, /tp @p 100 64 -300 will teleport you to the coordinates (100, 64, -300).
    • This is useful for quickly reaching a specific location without having to walk or travel long distances.
  3. Teleport to Another Player: You can also teleport directly to another player by using the command:
    /tp @p [player name]
    • This command teleports you to the player you specify. For example, /tp @p Steve would teleport you to the player named “Steve.”

For Multiplayer

Teleportation commands are just as useful in multiplayer worlds, whether you are playing on a public server or in a private multiplayer world with friends. In multiplayer, the commands are very similar, but there are some variations to consider.

  1. Teleport a Specific Player to Coordinates: You can teleport another player to specific coordinates by using the following command:
    /tp [player name] [x] [y] [z]
    • For example, /tp Steve 200 70 -400 would teleport the player named Steve to the coordinates (200, 70, -400).
  2. Teleport One Player to Another: If you want to teleport one player to another, use this command:
    /tp [player name] @p
    • This will teleport the specified player to your location. For example, /tp Steve @p would teleport Steve to the position of the player who executed the command.
  3. Teleport Multiple Players: Some server plugins allow the ability to teleport groups of players to specific locations at once. The syntax might vary depending on the plugin, so be sure to check server-specific documentation for more details.

Using Ender Pearls

While teleportation commands are powerful, they come with certain limitations and require cheats to be enabled. For players looking for a more practical and item-based way to teleport, you should look up how to teleport using Ender Pearls, it is a fantastic option. Ender Pearls are unique items that can be used to teleport a short distance when thrown. 

They are useful for quick escapes, navigating difficult terrain, or quickly reaching a high place.

How to Obtain Ender Pearls

Ender Pearls are not craftable, but they can be obtained through several methods:

  1. Killing Endermen: Endermen drop Ender Pearls when killed. These creatures can be found in many biomes, particularly at night or in the End dimension.
  2. Trading with Piglins: If you are in the Nether, you can trade gold ingots with Piglins to receive Ender Pearls as part of the trade.
  3. End City Chests: Ender Pearls can sometimes be found in chests within End Cities, especially after defeating the Ender Dragon.

Teleport Command Minecraft

Is clear that Teleport Command Minecraft can make travel significantly easier, and with methods like teleportation commands and Ender Pearls, players have multiple ways to quickly navigate their world. Always keep in mind the answer to how to teleport in Minecraft, especially with Ender Pearls, and always be prepared for whatever the world throws at you as you teleport to your next great adventure!

About The Author

Lucas Stolze, a Mechanical Engineering graduate from Purdue University Northwest, is the CEO of ExitLag, a company dedicated to improving stability and internet connections for online gaming. It shares an innovative approach to developing solutions that improve internet stability for online gamers. Their commitment has driven the ExitLag Blog.

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