If you’re looking to unlock new abilities or make the game more fun, exploring Red Dead Redemption 2 cheats is a great way to go. From infinite ammo to unlocking new weapons, there’s a wide range of cheats available that can alter your experience in exciting ways.
This article is your complete guide to RDR2 cheat codes—providing you with a full list and step-by-step instructions on how to use them effectively. Not only will we cover how to activate Red Dead Redemption 2 cheats, but we’ll also explain the various unlockables in RDR2 to take your gameplay to the next level.
What are Red Dead Redemption 2 cheats?
Red Dead Redemption 2 cheats are special codes that players can input to unlock various abilities, perks, and game enhancements.
These cheats allow you to alter the game’s mechanics by granting benefits such as infinite health, unlimited ammo, or even spawning horses and other vehicles. Rather than relying on in-game progression or purchases, RDR2 cheat codes let players instantly access special features or advantages, offering a fun way to experiment with the game.
To use cheats in Red Dead Redemption 2, you simply need to enter specific phrases in the game’s settings. Once activated, these cheats can significantly change the gameplay, giving you more freedom to explore the world without worrying about your health or ammunition.
However, be aware that activating certain Red Dead cheats will disable achievements and progress-saving for that session, making them best suited for casual play or experimentation.
Additionally, some cheats require specific newspapers to be purchased within the game to unlock, adding a layer of in-game exploration to the cheat discovery process.
How to activate cheats in RDR2?
Activating Red Dead Redemption 2 cheats is a straightforward process, but it requires knowing where to input the codes and how to unlock certain cheats.
Furthermore, this is a step-by-step guide on how to use RDR2 cheat codes in the game:
1. Pause the game
Start by pausing the game to access the menu. Press the pause button (Options on PS4, Menu on Xbox) to bring up the game’s main pause menu.
2. Navigate to the settings menu
Once in the pause menu, navigate to the “Settings” option. This is where you’ll find the option to enter cheats.
3. Open the cheats menu
In the Settings menu, look at the bottom right of your screen. You should see a prompt to press a button (Triangle on PS4, Y on Xbox) to open the “Cheats” menu.
4. Enter the cheat code
Once in the Cheats menu, you’ll see a list of available cheats (if any have been unlocked). To activate a new cheat, press the corresponding button (Triangle/Y again) and type in the RDR2 cheat code. The cheats are usually phrases or sentences rather than traditional codes.
5. Confirm and activate the cheat
After entering the correct cheat phrase, you will get a notification confirming that the cheat has been unlocked. Once unlocked, select the cheat from the list and turn it on. Remember that enabling cheats can disable achievements or saving your game progress for that session, so use them carefully.
Full list of cheat codes
Below is the complete list of Red Dead Redemption 2 cheats, along with the phrases you need to enter and any additional requirements (like purchasing specific newspapers) to unlock them:
1. General gameplay cheats
These cheats improve gameplay elements like health, stamina, and Dead Eye.
Infinite Ammo
- Cheat code: “Abundance is the dullest desire”
- Unlock requirement: purchase the New Hanover Gazette No. 27 in Valentine.
Infinite Stamina (Horse and Player)
- Cheat code: “The lucky be strong evermore”
- No newspaper required
Restore Health, Stamina, and Dead Eye
- Cheat code: “You flourish before you die”
- No newspaper required
Fortify Health, Stamina, and Dead Eye Bars
- Cheat code: “You seek more than the world offers”
- Unlock requirement: purchase the Saint Denis Times No. 52.
Set Dead Eye Level (Max)
- Cheat code: “I shall be better”
- No newspaper required
2. Weapons and combat cheats
Enhance your combat abilities and unlock weapons.
Unlock All Weapons
- Cheat code: “Greed is now a virtue”
- Unlock requirement: purchase the Saint Denis Times No. 46.
Increase Wanted Level
- Cheat code: “You want punishment”
- No newspaper required.
Decrease Wanted Level
- Cheat code: “You want freedom”
- No newspaper required.
3. Horse cheats
Modify and improve your horse or summon new ones.
Spawn Race Horse
- Cheat code: “Run! Run! Run!”
- No newspaper required.
Spawn War Horse
- Cheat code: “You are a beast built for war”
- Unlock requirement: purchase the Blackwater Ledger No. 72.
Increase Horse Bonding
- Cheat code: “My kingdom is a horse”
- Unlock requirement: purchase the New Hanover Gazette No. 31.
4. World and weather cheats
Manipulate time, weather, and the game world.
Set Drunk Mode
- Cheat code: “A fool on command”
- No newspaper required.
Set Clear Weather
- Cheat code: “No dull moment”
- No newspaper required.
Change Weather
- Cheat code: “You can’t fight gravity”
- No newspaper required.
Create Heavy Fog
- Cheat code: “Be greedy only for foresight”
- Unlock requirement: purchase the New Hanover Gazette No. 27.
5. Economy and resources cheats
These codes help you gain money and other useful items.
Increase Honor
- Cheat code: “Virtue unearned is not virtue”
- Unlock requirement: purchase the Blackwater Ledger No. 67.
Decrease Honor
- Cheat code: “Balance. All is balance”
- No newspaper required.
Unlock all camp upgrades
- Cheat code: “Share”
- Unlock requirement: purchase the Saint Denis Times No. 54.
Get $500 cash
- Cheat code: “Greed is American virtue”
- Unlock requirement: purchase the Saint Denis Times No.
Tips and restrictions on using cheats
While using Red Dead Redemption 2 cheats can be a lot of fun, there are a few key tips and restrictions you should be aware of to ensure you get the most out of them without unexpected downsides. This is everything you need to know:
1. Cheats disable achievements and saving
Activating cheats turns off achievements/trophies and disables saving. Always save your game before using cheats to avoid losing progress.
2. Some cheats require newspapers
Certain cheats need to be unlocked by purchasing specific in-game newspapers tied to story progression. Check back with vendors after completing missions.
3. No cheats in Red Dead online
Cheats are only available in single-player mode. They cannot be used in Red Dead online.
4. Cheats may conflict
While you can use multiple cheats at once, some world-altering cheats (like weather changes) may not work together.
5. Cheats don’t unlock hidden content
Cheats won’t unlock special in-game items or story progress. You still need to complete missions or challenges for those.
6. Story immersion impact
Using cheats can make the game too easy and reduce the impact of certain story moments. It’s best to use them for exploration and fun outside of key missions.To fully enjoy using Red Dead Redemption 2 cheats without lag or connectivity issues, consider using ExitLag, a great tool to optimize your gaming experience.