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Aqua Affinity Minecraft: What It Is and How to Get It

January 10, 2025

January 10, 2025

3 minutes

To begin, the Aqua Affinity Minecraft enchantment is an incredibly useful tool for players who frequently mine underwater. This enchantment allows you to mine blocks at the same speed underwater as you would on land, which is a significant advantage, especially when hunting for valuable resources like diamonds, gold, or even coral and sea lanterns. 

Evidently, without Aqua Affinity Minecraft , mining underwater is a slow and tedious process due to the reduced mining speed caused by water. In this guide, we’ll explore how Aqua Affinity works, how to obtain it, and how to make the most of this enchantment  to enhance your experience. Normally, when you mine blocks underwater in Minecraft, the process is much slower than mining on land. 

Aqua Affinity Minecraft

This happens because water reduces your mining speed, making it more challenging to gather resources while submerged. Aqua Affinity Minecraft  solves this problem by allowing you to mine underwater at the same speed as if you were on dry land, significantly improving your efficiency when exploring underwater caves, ruins, or trying to harvest valuable ores like gold, lapis lazuli, and diamond from beneath the ocean’s surface.

It’s important to note that Aqua Affinity only affects mining speed underwater—it does not enhance your ability to breathe underwater, nor does it provide any resistance to water damage or other aquatic-related effects. For breathing, you’ll still need to rely on potions of water breathing, turtle shells, or the Respiration enchantment. Aqua Affinity is purely focused on the speed at which you can break blocks underwater.

How to Get Aqua Affinity Minecraft

In fact, unlike some enchantments that can be applied to a variety of items, Aqua Affinity specifically applies to helmets. This is because the enchantment is meant to aid players in underwater exploration, and helmets are the most logical piece of armor to be enchanted for this purpose. 

To get Aqua Affinity, you’ll need to use an enchanting table—one of the primary tools in Minecraft for applying enchantments to gear. Here’s how you can obtain this powerful enchantment:

Gathering the Necessary Materials

Before you can enchant an item, you’ll need to gather several key materials. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Bookshelves: These are used to enhance the enchanting process and increase the likelihood of obtaining high-level enchantments. To craft bookshelves, you’ll need books and wooden planks.
  • Experience Points =: Enchanting requires experience, which you can earn by killing mobs, mining ores, smelting items, or fishing. You’ll need to gather enough XP to afford the enchantment.
  • Lapis Lazuli: This rare mineral is required for enchanting at the table. It can be found deep underground, usually between levels 0 and 30 in the world’s overland biomes, especially in mountain and cave systems.

Enchanting Process

Once you have your materials ready, you can begin the enchanting process:

  1. Set up your Enchanting Table: Place your enchanting table in an open area and surround it with bookshelves to boost the potential enchantment power. To achieve the best possible enchantments, the bookshelves should be placed one block away from the table, creating a bookshelf barrier around it.
  2. Place the Helmet: Since Aqua Affinity is an enchantment specific to helmets, you need to place your helmet into the left slot of the enchanting table.
  3. Add Lapis Lazuli: In the slot next to the helmet, place a few pieces of Lapis Lazuli. You’ll need one to three pieces depending on the enchantment level and how many experience points you’re willing to spend.
  4. Look for Aqua Affinity: After placing the helmet and Lapis Lazuli, the enchanting table will display a list of potential Minecraft underwater enchantments. Aqua Affinity is typically a lower-level enchantment and should appear as one of the options.
  5. Confirm the Enchantment: Select Aqua Affinity, and if you have enough experience points and Lapis Lazuli, you can confirm the aqua affinity enchantment. The helmet will now be enchanted with Aqua Affinity, and you’ll be able to mine underwater at full speed.

Minecraft underwater enchantments

Aqua Affinity is a simple yet highly beneficial enchantment in Minecraft that allows players to mine underwater at full speed. It’s a must-have for anyone who spends a lot of time exploring ocean monuments, shipwrecks, or searching for ores in underwater caves. By enchanting a helmet with Aqua Affinity, you’ll significantly improve your mining efficiency underwater, making your adventures in aquatic environments far less tedious. To conclude, while Aqua Affinity Minecraft doesn’t affect your ability to breathe underwater or grant additional water-related benefits, combining it with other enchantments or gear can help you get the most out of your underwater expeditions. So, next time you dive into the depths, be sure to bring along your Aqua Affinity-enchanted helmet to make mining underwater a breeze.

About The Author

Leandro Sandmann, graduated in Computer Science from FEI, is the co-founder of ExitLag, a company created to improve stability and internet connections for online games. He has been sharing his knowledge about games and technology through various channels, contributing to the Blog's articles.

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